This is baby Ryan, he is the one that started it all.
Ryan was all Weimaraner, he had great strength of character.
He was completely resolute when there were things he did not want to do.
Initially he was defiant, willful, stubborn and sometimes downright cantankerous.
It took many months of hard work before we would earn his respect.
When we did all that resolute character was transformed into a devoted,
loyal, obedient and fulfilling lifetime companion.
The reason we say lifetime is that all the dogs we own today are direct descendants from Ryan.
He did not suffer fools gladly, he could be quite aloof with strangers.
There were not many people that he would allow to grace his inner circle.
Elaine and I were very fortunate, we will never forget his companionship.
We would trust him with our lives, he knew that and would have gladly given his to protect us.
We always felt safe in his company and loved by his presence, he was a ‘special’ friend.
Ambersbury Bandore