Feebie produced
Sh.Ch.Ryanstock Angnetha JW & Sh. Ch. Ryanstock Bramble JW
April’s only puppy Ryanstock Ashkanazy JW (Solo),
when mated to Feebie produced Bramble.
His last litter to our own Ryanstock Dawn JW who was W.C.G.B. Top Brood Bitch 1996
they produced Evening Secret,
who was Dog World / Hill’s Pet Nutrition Top Brood Bitch 2000.
In her only litter Evening Secret produced
Sh.Ch.Ryanstock Genteel JW & Sh.Ch.Ryanstock Graceful JW
Graceful was W.C.G.B. Top Brood Bitch 2002 and had only one litter producing,
Ryanstock Hope & Sh.Ch. Ryanstock Hallmark JW ShCM
Ryanstock Hope carrying on the tradition was W.C.G.B. Top Brood Bitch 2007.
From her litters we kept Ryanstock Invincible JW , Ryanstock Imprint & Ryanstock Know-How JW
So you might say that progress has been steady and consistent !
We began our breeding with no more than hopes and aspirations. We have over the years refined that position through careful selective breeding.
We now focus on continuing to maintain and improve the Ryanstock line with the same enthusiasm that
we had 39 years ago, yet still tempered with our maxim not to breed more frequently than we have in the past.
We are serious in our view that our bitches and dogs are first and foremost our companions,family and friends.
We try to be thoughtful about our males also.
We will carefully and sympathetically consider any prospective bitches with whom they would be mated,
wishing only to continue in our aims to provide benefits for our breed.
We would like no more than to provide some enduring qualities that may be carried forward when we decide to take a less active role.
We value the new owner as someone who may continue what we have started.
If we can help and encourage others by sharing any knowledge we have gained, then we are only too pleased to be of help, when asked.
We are proud that every present day Ryanstock is a descendant of Ryan