Both Kevin & Elaine are Championship Show judges.
Kevin started judging in 1977 and awarded CCs for the first time in 1986
He has judged at the highest level, judging bitches at the Weimaraner Club of Great Britain Championship Show in 1997
and was the judge for the breed at Crufts in Millenium year 2000.
Kevin also awards CCs in German Shorthaired Pointers and judged the
G.S.P.A. Championship Show in 2011
Elaine started judging in 1984 and awarded CCs for the first time in 1991.
She judged bitches at the North of England Weimaraner Society Championship Show in 2001
& judged bitches at the Weimaraner Club of Great Britain Championship Show 2004
Elaine also judged both sexes at the Weimaraner Club of Scotland Championship Show in 2012
Ryanstock dogs are working dogs, they still fulfill the requirements of the breed
for dual purpose field work.
Many of our dogs are in working homes and we not only train our home bred dogs
but are frequently called upon to advise other owners
on the many aspects of training and fieldwork.
All the Ryanstock dogs are house dogs and are an integral part of the family.
Because we have chosen to take the route of Quality without Quantity
we are justifiably proud of our record to date.
Having bred a total of 14 litters in 40 years, consisting of 83 puppies,
we believe that we have maintained our high standards, producing;
5 Homebred Show Champions
Further CC Winners
8 Reserve CC Winners
11 Junior Warrant Winners
1 Show Certificate of Merit Winner
17 Stud Book Entrants
1 C.D.ex, U.D.ex Winner
Weimaraner Club of Great Britain Brood Bitch Winner 1997 ( R.Dawn )
Weimaraner Club of Great Britain Brood Bitch Winner 2002 ( R. Graceful )
Weimaraner Club of Great Britain Brood Bitch Winner 2007 ( R. Hope )
Dog World / Hills Pet Nutrition Weimaraner Top Brood Bitch 2000 ( R. Evening Secret )
Weimaraner Club of Great Britain Show Weimaraner of the Year 1999 ( R. Genteel )
Weimaraner Association Show Weimaraner of the Year 2003 ( R. Hallmark )
Weimaraner Association Top Puppy of the Year 2007 ( R. Know-How )
Many others placed in shooting homes, fulfilling their destiny