We began our search for a Weimaraner prior to our marriage in 1972
Elaine had promised that I could have the breed of my choice
and the Weimaraner was my chosen breed.
We approached the Kennel Club who gave us three breeders to contact.
One was a dealer, one refused us by letter and the third allowed us to view the dogs.
After our visit we had much to think about, it seemed that this was no ordinary breed and perhaps we were not suitable owners.
After much soul searching we decided that whatever effort was required we wanted to own this wonderful breed.
So it was that we found our puppy and called him Ryan.
He was all that was good and bad about the breed, he was truly a baptism of fire, he really caused us a few heartaches in the early months.
He taught us so much, we worked him in obedience and began showing when he was 10 months old.
At the age of 13 months we were given the opportunity to work him on a local shoot,he loved it and so did we.
That began the search for knowledge in how we should train him for his many roles.
We were later offered a bitch puppy from Joan Matuszewska ( Monroes ), we took it willingly, Monroes Ash Lady of Ryanstock ( April ).
We thought we would at some point mate Ryan to her and continue our growing brood.
Like many dogs of those days Ryan was not to be used more than a couple of times at stud during his lifetime.
He was used on a friend’s bitch and we wrestled with the thought of having a puppy from that litter.
We convinced ourselves that we should.
We had our pick of litter named Miroku Balfreo of Ryanstock, we called her ‘Feebie’.
It was fortuitous because Ryan died before April was old enough to mate,
and it was Feebie that began the strong bitch line that has served us so well up to the present day
Our Story